Månad: mars 2012

Purple Kitty Katastrophe

This Tuesday it’s my baby-sisters birthday and i have been working on this card for quite a while now. I started to colors this like months ago in this nice purple tone. I recently found it just laying around so I deiced to make i for my sister, it’s a very fitting color and image for her. So I did the last coloring, like the hair, to suit my sister even better. The haircolor I chose I one that i think mimics the color my sister have right now. The frame for Kitty is made with nestabilities small labels and i started out with a white paper and then distressed with weathered wood. I do now own this stamp, I stamped up a couple on my copic-course in September so I have two left I think.

Anyway, i did use this weeks Sketch Saturday-sketch for my layout and i tried to keep with the purple tones from the coloring. The purple papers are from Maja Design’s collection ”Ska vi ta en fika?” and the gray paper is from the Little black dress collection. All the papers have been distressed with either Dust Concord or Weathered Wood.

The top embellishment is a black satin ribbon that i tied some knots and the bottom one is a border made with Martha Stewart’s borderpunch Modern Garland. The butterflies are some fabric butterflies in pink and blue that I made black with a permanent marker and just stapled on. They have a bit of the shimmer of the old color which gives them a nice depth. The greeting is using some alphabet-pearls from Panduro that i glued in place with some glossy accent.

The inside is made with the same paper and idea as the outside and I left a nice big space for the greeting.

Stamp: Kenny K – Kitty Katastrophe

Paper: Maja Design’s -Ska vi ta en fika?, Basic Gray – Little Black Dress

Copic: V17, V15, V12, V000, E51, E21, E11, R22, E35, RY20, YR21, YR23, Y19, Y17, N9, N7, N5, 0, N3, N1

Other: Gelly Roll pen – White, Gold. Distress Ink – Dusty Concord, Weathered Wood. Martha Stewart  – Modern Garland. Spellbinders – nestabilities- small labels.

Sneak Peak of Table-placements for my wedding

And the second reason for me not posting for a while is that I have been preparing to make my table-placements for my wedding. On Wednesday every should have left a response so I should be able to finish them.

I wanted the placements to have a connection to the invitations (you can find them here) so the thought is that they are based on the heart-dress or heart-jacket. But to get a more fun and relaxed feeling I have used lots of colors. All the dresses or made from different papers and I have tried to connect specific people to specific colors and patterns. I only used papers from my little scrap-box and i found it a nice way to get a bit fewer scraps. For the men i changed up the color of the jackets and that are in either black, navy or gray (not so many gray due to the fact that i didn’t have much scraps of gray). I also changed up the color of the shirts for the men, always using papers of some kind of texture. The mens shirts are not unique and there is a couple of ones that are the same.

I have made a document with the names so tomorrow I will buy myself some nice medium/heavy-weight paper and then print them. Hopefully I will also have time to assembly them tomorrow but we will have to see… But until then here comes a sneak peak.

Crafting corner

So it have now been a while sense i posted and it have been to reasons for that. The first one is that i for like two-three weeks ago bough myself (or to be exact my mother and father gave me as an early birthday gift) a IKEA Expedit shelf. I have wanted one for my crafting corner for a while but haven’t been suer on if i could make it fit there. But after some measuring it make it work.

So after a trip to IKEA and some assembling I have been rearranging my crafting corner, form top to bottom and you can see the result here.As you can see my corner now contains an Expedit-shelf, a desk and a Benno-shelf.

One of the first things I did was to make another Copic-storage (you can see the first one here) and then i just put them together. After i was done i did realize that the top was a nice platform for my distress inks. Next time or sometime in the future i will make the top level so they will stand better. The angle isn’t very good for my memento dew drops but it will have to due for now.

In my new Expedit i put in my paper-storage and it feels really good to have all the papers in one place and nearby. The other 3 shelfs i filled with things i want to have nearby. The middle one contains my ribbons ( i also made two nice boxes for my ribbons), stickers, pearls and brads. The second one to the bottom is containing my folder with dies, craft spinner and other stuff. In the lowest one i have all the stuff that i have a hard time sorting but also big things like my heating gun, tea-lights, and jars of flowers. Someday when i get rich i will get doors for the bottom second and the middle one so i can hide the mess.

In my Benno i still have almost all my stamps, stored in cd-cases. I hope to be able to switch them to the Stampin’ Up cases very soon and as you can see I only have 8 right now, and they don’t have the covers i want to but they will. In the small middle-compartment i have my hairbrush and stuff like that ( i don’t have another place for it right now). Under that i have some small jar of buttons and my diecut letters. On the two lowest compartments i have my small paper-packs. On my paper-packs i have written the brand and name of the collection on the back so I quickly can find then easier.

I’m really happy with how things work right now and all I think i have to do is to alter my kleenex-box a bit.

Marine birdy

So tonight i wanted to make a card for my mother in laws boyfriend. His birthday is in a couple og week, but he gave me the perfect reason to use my new stampset By the sea from Gina K and this beutiful papers for Maja Design.

I Wanted to make a scene for this card, i have been very inspired by Theresa Momber and her scenes lately and i just have to get some more sets to make better and more naturescenes.

Anyway. This card is made with the though of Gothenburg’s seaside, and thats why I bought this papers from the beginning. The layout is from this weeks Gina K challenge.

I have to admitt that im not happy with the sky at all. The darker part is made with faded jeans but on the sky it only came of as gray wish made my spring sky to a bit more stormy but it will have to be for this time. I do like the sea but next time i think i will make a less straight horizon.

I just saw that i won Anything goes challenge for this week. I’m just bubbling of happiness!

Paper: Maja Design – Life by the sea

Stamp: Gina K – By the sea, Garden Silhouette

Copic: YR14, YR23, YR21, B93, E40, E43, N9, N7, N5, N3, E35, E57, 0

Ink: Distress Ink – Faded Jeans, Tumbled Glass, Memento – Tuxedo Black

Dies: Spellbinders – oval and scalloped oval, . Provocraft – Vintage

Other: Gelly Roll Pen – White