Månad: april 2014

A baby-sun-hat

2014-04-21, 2This easter have just been so wonderful. The weather have been warm and sunny all day so we have been out having lots of fun. A walk in the park, barbecue and just a couple of walks. Unfortunately we wasn’t really prepared baby-wise. We soon realized that Freja only have winter-hats. Due to all shops being closed for easter I started to Google pattern for sun-hats. I found this tutorial and pattern from Bethany.

2014-04-20It was really easy to follow (I didn’t cut and sew the straps, instead I breaded some yarn. I think that a strap that you can tie is better so it can be adjusted for size and occasion) and the hat is just so cute… but to small for my daughter. The hat I made from Bathany’s pattern is approximately 38cm in diameter (my daughter has 43).

After another search I found someone saying that the hat-part should have the length of 1/3 of the diameter you want. So I copied the pattern from Bathany and resized it in Word. My base is now 14cm instead of 11cm, and my bring has an inner diameter of 17 cm (calculated after the hat-part was done s that the brim would be the exact length I needed. This one is slightly to big for my daughter, but in the good way. She can probably have it for a month or two and it’s still good for now. On the second one I then attached a ribbon to ad some interest. On the picture below you can see the difference in size.

2014-04-21, 1

Handmade Bibs

IMG_4833Freja is now old enough to get some food, but that also means she is old enough to get food all over. We bought a babybjörn-bib but it’s to firm and she is to short so it gets uncomfortable for her, so I have been looking around for some soft bibs and didn’t find any. Or at least not any for a price I’m willing to pay. Then I decided to see if I could find some patterns online and make my own. I found a couple of ones but I really liked the one from Linda at Craftaholic anonymous, and I have used her Infant one for all the three bibs here (The infant and the toddler pattern is the same around the neckline and just differ on the length).

IMG_4760I started out with doing the green one and for that one I followed that pattern. The green is vaxed fabric and the black is regular cotton liner. The neckline is a perfect fit for my daughter so I fear that it will be to small soon so for the next one I altered the neckline. I really do like the pattern, the shape and length is perfect and I like that the pattern isn’t handmade. It’s easy to trace and is symmetrical. The green bib have been used and cleaned before this picture and are therefore a bit wrinkly, which doesn’t bother me (same with the pink and white one).

IMG_4839For the next one I altered the neckline by just drawing a straight line from the inside of the neckline and up to the edge. I also made the pocket a bit wider so it would stand out more then one the green one, but after using the green one the pocket stands out enough so I won’t do that alteration on the future ones. One this one I was in a hurry when it sewed the lining so it’s folded on some places (sorry for that). I really like the color-combination of this one and I look forward to made more bibs in different colors. I intend to decorate the pocket on future ones but I haven’t found a way to stitch on letters and shape which gets nice enough, yet. This one is also made with vaxed fabric and cotton liner.

IMG_4843The last one I made is from oil-cloth (a piece of a tablecloth) which is a bit stiffer then the vaxed fabric (Freja can use it but I think it needs to be used more to soften the fabric some, now it looks a bit uncomfortable but still usable). I just love the mushrooms! One this one I also altered the neck but i keep the pocket as the pattern made it.

Now when I have made some and got a hang of it a bib takes about half an hour to make from start to end. So it’s easy and fast. I really recommend it for those with infants (much cheaper also). Example: The muchroom-bib roughly costed 4 Euro (for liner and fabric) and then I have fabric left for probably two more bibs. I will make lots of more (have lots of fabric left) and I intend to leave some behind at Freja’s Grandmothers, aunts and so on so I don’t need to bring it with me all the time. I also plan to make some as gifts but that is probably something for later.

And here comes a picture of Freja eating and smearing bana-pure all over in her pretty bib.

Baby Girl Breezy

2014-04-06, 1So I wanted to make a Thank-you-card for my grandparents as a thank you for the gift they gave Freja for her name-ceremony. I think this is the first real card (like my old ones) that i have made this year, and probably sense Freja was born. Perhaps this set it all in motion again…

I started out with these Papers that is from Echo Park’s Bundle of Joy, I love that they are so pink and cute. It’s a bit to pink for my taste but it’s2014-04-04, 2 perfect for my grandmother. Then I colored Breezy in matching colors, with copics of coarse. It was ages sense I colored her, I even think it was when i got my first copics. For the background around her i made a dotted background, very lightly to look like heaven or clouds. I cut the image with my nestabilities and then wrote the sentiment on the edge. The decorations are just some brads, a satin ribbon and rhinestones, I do think the card looks a bit bare but it’s finished and ready to be sent so that is a big victory for me right now. The layout is from this weeks challenge on Sketch Saturday. The inside is inspired by the outside but still leaves a lot of space for a message.



Copic: 0, C0, C2, R81, R83, R85, YG41, BG11, B000, B0000, B21, B23SS-304-2014-Lesley

Stamps: CC Design – Sweet November- Breezy

Paper: Echo Park – Bundle of Joy Girl

Dies: Spellbinders – Nestabilities – Standard Circles (Large and Small), Lacy
