A few week ago I tried to find this specific toy for my daughter that she loved from a babycafé we use to visit. I found out what it was called and also found that a cheep one was to be found at IKEA. The one at Ikea is called MULA.
Then I came across this wonderful post from Elin that had repainted her (the original colors is really boring) and I instantly started to plan my own remake.
So I went to IKEA and bought MULA and then went to Panduro for some paint. With some advice from my sister we ended up with 47 Turkos, 23 Ljuslila and Olive (?). The green paint’s label is missing so I’m not sure on that one.I really think they are happy colors and the turkos is of coars my favorite and If i could do as I wanted everything in our home would be in that color.
I first laid on two layers of white and then two coats of the color and I think it is enough. In heinsight I would have bought another color for the metal (even if the paint says that it works on metal) due to the fact that the paint peels away a lot, but I don’t bother me that much (yet).
Jättefin! Det ser ju ut som en helt annan kulram. Rolig idé! Men hur är det med färgen? Är den säker att äta?
Färgen ska vara säker för barn över 3 år så jag tolkar det som ok att slita och kanske slicka på men att gnaga kan vara en dålig idé. Men Eftersom kulorna sitter fast kommer Freja inte åt att käka på dom så än så länge går det bra. Det enda är flagorna från metallstängerna men jag tror det blir bra, hon är inte intresserad av dom utan försöker bara dra loss kulorna:)